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Monday, October 29, 2012

Kool Aid Popcorn

Can't do your Science homework? Okay, listen to Cher Lloyd and write a blog post! (For the record online school stinks and Cher Lloyd rocks!) Kool aid popcorn..... how kool is that??? baha I know lame yeah?  Here is what I pinned about 20 weeks ago, or so says Pinterest: Kool Aid Popcorn, Originally from Tasty Kitchen. They really should call this, "Any Kind of Flavored Drink Mix or Flavored Powder or Flavor in General Popcorn". But that is quite a mouthful and I am lazy.
The recipe resembles caramel corn where you start with regular old popcorn, no butter or salt. Oh don't you even worry, the butter comes later! Here is our ancient popcorn maker, which I very recently found out melts butter. Who knew the thing on top was not for measuring popcorn kernels??

 You then melt butter, sugar and corn syrup (liquid sugar really) on the stove. Add the desired amount of flavoring and baking soda, which makes it expand! Exciting and dangerous. I like to live on the wild side. I started the recipe not knowing I didn't have kool aid, so I used Hawaiian Punch flavoring. And the measurements were off so I just added "some". "Some" is my favorite measuring spoon.
They tell you to put it in a roasting pan, but I prefer our giant aluminum mixing bowl. Stick that sucker into the oven and stir every 10 minutes for a half hour. Now I tend to like my popcorn crunchy, so I did this step for about an hour. Look how delicious!

The recipe makes a lot, so be sure to share with friends. You know what, I shouldn't tell you what to do! Eat it yourself, you worked hard you deserve it. :) As far as flavor goes, I am not a huge Hawaiian Punch fan. It tasted like fruit punch. I think the recipe was great, but I definitely prefer caramel corn. It was a big hit when I took it to work though. I have been wondering about other flavors to try. Maybe I'll try it again with fun dip powder..... or pixie sticks! Would fun dip powder change color when it was mixed with the sugar? Oh the mysteries of life!! I'll leave you to ponder these things on your own.
Follow me on Pinterest at Charlotte I'd Pin That and that other girl at Leanne I'd Pin That! ;)

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