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Monday, November 12, 2012

Crayon T-Shirts

I am a huge fan of making T-shirts. I was showing my BFF my latest DIY shirt and he was like, "How many t-shirts do you have?" I counted 19..... haha Anyway, crayon art seemed so much easier than tie dye so I went for it!
Here is the original pin: Crayon T-Shirts and their blog is called Alphamom. I have to say this has been one of my favorite crafts from Pinterest. It is just so simple and works really well.
I do have a few tips though. First of all don't get anything but Crayola Crayons! Okay I haven't tried any other kind, but from personal experience other brands just don't measure up. Because you are directly drawing on sandpaper it is going to wear the crayons down pretty fast, so cheep crayons may not be the best choice.
Now I did hearts and my roommate mustaches. Classy, no? I think it would be fun to just let a kid go crazy with a crayon and then put it on their shirt. Then they can proudly proclaim their art skills! Here is what it looks like before ironing on.
 The crayon transfer really well and all the shirts turned out fantastic! I did try to reuse a heart, but that definitely didn't work. One thing I would definitely recommend, iron over the transferred crayon with a paper towel. This helps take off excess crayon so it won't transfer to other parts of the shirt. And the first time I washed my shirt, I didn't dry it, because that transfers crayon also. Here are the finished products.

So snazzy! Baha Good times for sure. But definitely try it out, its a great lazy girl craft. I can't testify to that. I am a bonafide lazy girl.

Follow us on Pinterest. Charlotte and Leanne!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Easy Rainbow Cake

So rainbow cakes are all over Pinterest but since I am not very good at frosting cakes I have not attempted one. UNTILL NOW!!! I found this photo of a rainbow cake a blog called jigsaw cupcakes.
So pretty right!! So I decided to make one similar for my son's first birthday. Here are the results.
Not quite as bright as the original but I was happy with the result. And so was Jake. :)
And here is the aftermath.
It was a really fun project. It is pretty self explanatory to make. You choose the cake you choose the frosting and you color them and stack them. The only two tips I have are to make sure you frost each layer up to the edge and thick enough so you can see the color really well in each layer. And two, I used a marshmallow frosting and while it tasted great it does not hold up over time so you would need to eat it the same day. Well that's it, so get your self some food coloring and get to work.

Follow us Pinterest at Leanne I'd Pin That and Charlotte I'd Pin That. :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kool Aid Popcorn

Can't do your Science homework? Okay, listen to Cher Lloyd and write a blog post! (For the record online school stinks and Cher Lloyd rocks!) Kool aid popcorn..... how kool is that??? baha I know lame yeah?  Here is what I pinned about 20 weeks ago, or so says Pinterest: Kool Aid Popcorn, Originally from Tasty Kitchen. They really should call this, "Any Kind of Flavored Drink Mix or Flavored Powder or Flavor in General Popcorn". But that is quite a mouthful and I am lazy.
The recipe resembles caramel corn where you start with regular old popcorn, no butter or salt. Oh don't you even worry, the butter comes later! Here is our ancient popcorn maker, which I very recently found out melts butter. Who knew the thing on top was not for measuring popcorn kernels??

 You then melt butter, sugar and corn syrup (liquid sugar really) on the stove. Add the desired amount of flavoring and baking soda, which makes it expand! Exciting and dangerous. I like to live on the wild side. I started the recipe not knowing I didn't have kool aid, so I used Hawaiian Punch flavoring. And the measurements were off so I just added "some". "Some" is my favorite measuring spoon.
They tell you to put it in a roasting pan, but I prefer our giant aluminum mixing bowl. Stick that sucker into the oven and stir every 10 minutes for a half hour. Now I tend to like my popcorn crunchy, so I did this step for about an hour. Look how delicious!

The recipe makes a lot, so be sure to share with friends. You know what, I shouldn't tell you what to do! Eat it yourself, you worked hard you deserve it. :) As far as flavor goes, I am not a huge Hawaiian Punch fan. It tasted like fruit punch. I think the recipe was great, but I definitely prefer caramel corn. It was a big hit when I took it to work though. I have been wondering about other flavors to try. Maybe I'll try it again with fun dip powder..... or pixie sticks! Would fun dip powder change color when it was mixed with the sugar? Oh the mysteries of life!! I'll leave you to ponder these things on your own.
Follow me on Pinterest at Charlotte I'd Pin That and that other girl at Leanne I'd Pin That! ;)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Candy Corn Cookies

Ok this is my last Halloween post for this year and it is one I have been wanting to do for months since I first saw it on Pinterest. Candy Corn Cookies!! Aren't they so festive? So in true Leanne form I did a kind of hybrid of two pins I saw about these cookies. One I used for the recipe and the other for how to form the shape. So first for the recipe. It is just a simple sugar cookie but it is really tasty, I got it from the TasteofHome website.
  • 1-1/2 cups butter, softened
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Yellow and orange paste food coloring (I used liquid and it worked fine just took a bit more i suppose)

Directions:In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well.
Now after this I differ a little from what they recomend. Split the dough into thirds and color one orange and one yellow leaving the last third white.

I stole the idea of how to shape the cookies from Kathie at her blog Kathie Cooks. Thanks Kathie, such a great idea. You take a bread loaf pan and line it with parchment paper or plastic wrap. (Just a tip, I used plastic wrap and it still had a hard time comming out. Try multiple layers.) Then just layer the dough in starting with orange then yellow then white. Try to make your layers as flat as possible.
Then put your pan in the fridge for two hour up to overnight. I did two hours and it worked great. Take your dough out of the fridge next and out of the pan, and slice it the short way in to 1/4 in slices. While you are slicing preheat your oven to 350.
Next cut your slices into triangle shapes. Squish in the corners so they look more rounded and place on your cookie sheet. (Another tip, I always cook my cookies on parchment paper so the bottoms don't brown as easily)

The taste of home recipe said to bake for 10 min but I baked mine for 7:30 and they were perfect so you might need to play with your time a little. They should not be brown at all.
Ta DA!!! They are delicious and perfect. But... if you want to take them one step further like I did, you can glaze them!!! Yummo. It was just a simple glaze, I got the recipe from my handy dandy Joy of Cooking the 75th anniversary addition. (If you were wondering)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2-3 tbs water
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
That's all folks, mix it together and apply to your corn. I used a pastry brush, actually it might be a basting brush but whatever. I also doubled the glaze recipe because the above only makes 1/2 cup of glaze.  Then you place your cookies on cooling racks and brushed them and let them sit for 20-30 min so the glaze hardens up.

Oh they are so cute and so delicious. I want to try a lemon glaze on top next time. And do not let your lame significant other tease you about the fact that some of the colors are upside down on the cookies. And if he or she does, no cookies for them! On a side note we used our fire place for the first time this winter. Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!! Yes I am one of those people who wanted to be playing Christmas music last month. But so far I have resisted. You have been warned!
Follow me on Pinterest at Leanne I'd Pin That, and follow Charlotte at Charlotte I'd Pin That.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Elmer's Glue Tie Dye

Did I mention I love to tie dye? I am pretty sure I have about 10 plus clothing articles that I have dyed. Not to mention my pillowcase and bedspread....

Good time! So when I saw this pin for Elmer's Glue Tie Dye on Pinterest, I couldn't resist! Here is the original pin: Elmer's Glue Tie Dye and the original site: U-Create. Basically you use the blue Elmer's glue to draw or write what you want and let it completely dry. Once you do that you can tie dye it like normal and when you wash it, whatever was in glue  stays white. This is the finished product!

I wear this handy dandy apron to work every day! And if you can't tell, that is a heart on it. Baha! And my nephew Baby Oboe wears that onesie like it is goin out of style, because he surely does love his Aunt Dot AKA Me! So as you may be able to see, the glue kind of ran together and the words aren't as clear as wanted. I could blame it on the glue, but it seems that the girl who originally posted it had no issues. I guess I am just not very talented, those genes went to our very own sister Claire unfortunately. We did try to do a bear, but it ended up pretty blobby. I also found that the fabric doesn't stay completely white, but that may have to do with my dye. 
Poor failed bear! Overall, I give this pin 4 stars. I would give that extra star, but gosh warn me next time that only the extremely talented gluers will truly succeed. 
Follow me on Pinterest? Charlotte I'd Pin That :)

Black Trash Bag Spider Webs And Garlands

Halloween is in 6 days!!! And if you are like me and at the last minute before holidays look around your house and say I WANT MORE, here is a fun easy cheap and cute project that will cost you at most $1.00. Black Trash Bag Spider Webs! Now of course I got this idea from Pinterest, but the blog that it is from is How About Orange created by Jessica Jones. Such a cute site by the way. Now I will allow her to tell you how to make the spider web, because she has a really great explanation but I want to show you another variation that I came up with my mistake. Trash Bag Spider Web Garlands.
Aren't they cute? This was totally an accident, I made by first spider web and it was awesome but the second time I forgot to follow the directions. he he. And I did not just do it once I did it twice. Sooo I really know how to do this well. First you just need to fold the trash bag just like you would for the spider web. Cut it into a square and then fold it three times to get a triangle that looks like this.

Now one difference in what How About Orange and I think is that she says to just do one side of the trash bag at a time. But that took me forever so i found that if I taped it like she said to, and was very careful,  that I could do two webs, or garlands at once. Now if you look above you will see the difference of how you position the triangle so you get the web or the garland. Now in the picture it kinda looks like I just flipped over the triangle but that would make no sense so let me talk or write through it. If you position the triangle with the center of the square or the completely folded side on the bottom you have the spider web. But if you rotate it so the top left point is now on the bottom then you have the garland version. Then you just continue with the steps. I draw my web with a sharpie like she suggested, then you cut it out.

Now when you open it up it will look like this. So don't freak out, it is alright.
Now all you have to do is cut two strips from one side like this.
How cute right? And if all else fails just wing it. I had another mishap and created a chandelier so just have fun with it and Happy Halloween!!
Follow me at Leanne I'd Pin That on Pinterest and follow our blog for more of our personal adventures with pins.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crayon Hearts

Hey Charlotte here.Wow, I'd just like to mention that I spelled my name wrong like three times back there... how embarrassing! Anyway, I would like to take you back a few months. You are about to experience my very first incident experimenting with Pinterest! I melted crayons. How boring you say?? Well now, let me show you. 
Now don't you feel bad for doubting me? Pretty fantastic, yeah? Anyone who knows me knows I love tie dye and this is essentially the crayon version. Here is the original pin I found: Crayon Hearts, originally posted on Chef Messy.
I had tons of fun with the outcome, I mean siriusly (HP reference anyone?) how lovely are these? It may be the lazy girl inside of me, but the preparation for the actual craft was a bit tedious. I had to strip all the crayons down to nakedness. Honestly it was quite scandalous! From there I just cut them into small pieces and used a silicone heart shaped cupcake pan and melted the crayons at 230 degrees fahrenheit for 15 minutes. 
  Worked like a charm really. Only thing I would warn you of is the crayons dye silicon! Unfortunately I borrowed my pan from my roommate and even after scrubbing forever, I returned the pan to her slightly tie dyed. :/ Fortunately she is the best ever and didn't even get mad. Other than that, a great success! If only my 10 year old self had known the joys of melting crayons. Wouldn't this be the perfect activity and party favor?  Kudos to you Pinterest on a job well done. 
By the way, how do you say crayon??? 

Follow me on pinterest at Charlotte I'd Pin That. Yes, I post everything Harry Potter and tie dye. And of course I am planning a wedding to my imaginary boyfriend....